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LEAH for the Kelley Family – Syracuse, NY

Our baby Leah has a family!
Just from seeing the photo of Leah, Dan and Jennifer Kelley knew that she is the perfect child to complete their family. In some ways she reminds them of their three year old daughter Kaitlyn.  Kaitlyn and Leah both have Down syndrome and Leah has the same heart issue that Kaitlyn had. Dan and Jennifer envision the two girls not only as sisters but also as lifetime companions.  
Dan and Jennifer have been married for six years and have been on this adoption journey for quite some time. Right from the start of looking into the idea of adoption they knew that children with DS had a special place in their hearts. And once they saw Leah, after much thought and prayer, they were convinced. Their house is happy, playful, and full of love. Dan and Jennifer both are dedicated to serving the needs of individuals with disabilities, working as case workers in the mental health field. Thus, they have the skills and abilities to support Leah in reaching her fullest potential.  The area where Dan and Jennifer live has some of the best medical specialists in the country for children and is rich in services for children with special needs. What?s more, Dan and Jennifer already have connections to the specialists that will meet Leah?s medical, physical, and other needs as she grows. 
Dan and Jennifer are in a hurry to bring Leah home in order that she receives the love and medical care that she so greatly needs. They would appreciate even the smallest donation to help with the enormous cost of adopting from overseas.